Circus Arts Workshops

Circus Arts Workshops combine sports with art and physical with mental exercise. It is scientifically proven (naturenature1) that juggling increases both the grey and white matter of the human brain, a certainly useful thing.

The benefits of learning circus disciplines are found in many levels. To name but a few:

  • In the neuro-physical level we have improvement in movement coordination, focus & concentration, reflexes, hand eye coordination and balance.
  • In the psychological level we have a confidence boost through the achievement of objective goals, the stress release factor of concentration and of course fun.
  • In the physical level, depending on personal goals and according to individual needs and abilities, intensity varies from light upper body exercise (juggling) to total physical workout for strength and flexibility (acrobatics).
  • In the social level with communication, building of trust, teamwork and participation in the most joyful company of positive people in the world!

Our mission at fundastick is to transmit all these benefits to as many people as fast as possible. Through Circus Arts Workhops in schools, festivals, children parties, events, even the privacy of your home we make our world and your time happier.

Contact us for the creation of your extraordinary educational experience.